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Golden California

Season 2

Episode 9:  Golden Gate Bridge


Herb Hendricks crosses one of the biggest icons of the state to see what meaning the Golden Gate Bridge has to Californians and foreigners.

Episode 10:  Mexican Border


Herb Hendricks travels to a controversial location to try and instill peace and bring a Golden California touch to the state's international neighbor.

Episode 11:  Henry Cowell


Herb Hendricks makes a new friend who tries to teach Herb the California style of panning for gold.

Episode 12:  Malibu State Beach


Herb Hendricks arrives ready for a nice relaxing day of fishing but instead finds himself face to face with a monster from the deep.

Episode 13:  Chinatown


Herb Hendricks is on a mission in Chinatown to find the perfect gift for the perfect someone but refuses to let language problems and cultural differences slow him down.

Episode 14:  La Jolla Cove


Herb Hendricks explores the California coast on the hunt for sea creatures of all shapes, textures and danger levels.

Episode 15:  Condor Sanctuary


Herb Hendricks is joined by a biologist to try and find one of California's most endangered species without endangering himself.

Episode 16:  Yosemite


Herb Hendricks journeys to the spot that first inspired him to share his California explorations with the world - only to have it change his life again.

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